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Jl. Ketintang Baru No. 11 Surabaya


+62 31 8283180


Earned a Bachelor’s degree in Physics Engineering in 1993 from the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, a Postgraduate degree in Master of Planning and Public Policy from the University of Indonesia in 2003 and a PhD in Economics in 2013. His career journey is decorated with experience at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, namely Head of Energy Utilization Evaluation Section – Directorate General of Electricity (2001-2003), Head of Business Preparation Section – Directorate General of Electricity (2003-2006), Calculation Section Head Electricity Prices – Directorate of Electricity Business Development (2006-2008), Staff – Directorate of Electricity Business Development (2008-2011), Head of Planning and Reporting Division (2011-2016), Director of Planning and Development for New Energy Infrastructure, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation in 2016-2017, became Director of Electricity Business Development from 2017-2021, and currently serves as Director of Planning and Development for Renewable Energy Infrastructure and Energy Conservation at the Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.



Born in Jakarta on December 19, 1969. He completed his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1993 and earned a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Waseda University in 1999.

Working at PLN since 1995, he began his career as a planning staff at the Head Office of PT PLN Region XI. Before serving as President Commissioner of PT PLN Nusantara Power, he held several important positions including General Manager of the Central Office for Electricity Research and Development (2018-2019), General Manager of the Central Load Control Unit for Java, Madura and Bali (2019 – 2021), Head of the PT PLN (Persero) Center of Excellence Unit in 2021, and Director of Corporate Planning at PT PLN (Persero) (2021-2022).

He currently serves as Director of Transmission and System Planning at PT PLN (Persero).



Earned a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from STIK Indonesia, a Master’s degree in Communication Science from the University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra, and a PhD in International Relations from Padjadjaran University Bandung. Starting his career as a professional at SonyBMG (2005-2008), PT Sinergi Bara Pratama Energy (2011-2013), then serving as an Expert Staff I on the Corinbang Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives (2012-2014), Expert Staff of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives (2014-2015) and Commissioner of PT Patra Jasa (2018-2021). In addition to being a Commissioner of PT PLN Nusantara Power, he currently also serves as Special Staff I at the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia (since 2015).


Previously served as Head of Sub-Directorate for Electricity Standardization at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2011-2015, Head of Sub-Directorate for Electricity Prices and Subsidies at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2015 – 2016, Head of Sub-Directorate for Electricity Prices at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2016. Currently, in addition to being a commissioner of PT PLN Nusantara Power, she also still serves as Head Investigator for Civil Servants (PPNS) in the electricity sector since 2014, Director of Electricity Program Development at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources since 2018.



Earned a Bachelor’s degree in Physics Engineering in 1993 from the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, a Postgraduate degree in Master of Planning and Public Policy from the University of Indonesia in 2003 and a PhD in Economics in 2013. His career journey is decorated with experience at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, namely Head of Energy Utilization Evaluation Section – Directorate General of Electricity (2001-2003), Head of Business Preparation Section – Directorate General of Electricity (2003-2006), Calculation Section Head Electricity Prices – Directorate of Electricity Business Development (2006-2008), Staff – Directorate of Electricity Business Development (2008-2011), Head of Planning and Reporting Division (2011-2016), Director of Planning and Development for New Energy Infrastructure, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation in 2016-2017, became Director of Electricity Business Development from 2017-2021, and currently serves as Director of Planning and Development for Renewable Energy Infrastructure and Energy Conservation at the Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.



A retired Air Force Marshal with his last rank being Air Marshal TNI. He graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1984 with his last position as Head of Basarnas (2019-2021). This Purwokerto-born man has received dozens of honors and held several important positions including Presidential Aide (2004), Danlanud Halim Perdanakusuma (2009), Kaskoopsau I (2010), Dankodikau (2011), Pangkoopsau I (2012), Asops Kasau (2012), Deputy Chief of Staff TNI Air Force (2014), and Deputy Governor of Lemhanas (2015).




Born in Amsterdam in 1956. He completed his education at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia.
Starting his career as Vice President of PT. Kiani Kertas from 2000 to 2018 and then from 2002 to 2014 served as President Director of PT. Nusantara Energi.