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Embracing 3P Principles (People, Profit, and Planet) and to create business sustainability, PT PLN NP always prioritize social equality aspect through community development (People) and preserve environment (Planet) surrounding operational area, in balance with achieving the purpose to gain financial profit (Profit) through operational activity.



One of UP Muara Tawar CSR Flagship Program is the Development of Batik Betawi Seraci. As a valuable heritage from local culture which has high artistic value, the conservation of Batik Seraci is a mandatory. By Implementing this Development Program, PLN NP join hands with locals to conserve and building community economy through Batik Betawi Business. Since 2016, there were 2 development activity that PT PLN NP UP Muara Tawar initiate with Batik Seraci Program, which is Copyright Registration of Batik Betawi Motives and Batik’s Waste Water Treatment Installation.


Rumah Lipat is a place that integrate UP MUara Karang’s CSR Programs, especially to sutain training for the result of other CSR Program such as garbage bank and mangrove conservation. One of the “Rumah Lipat” program is to improve “Rumah Jahit” Program that poorly performing, but still had sewing machine that can be used. Rumah Lipat’s name sparked by communities idea, hold the philosophical value which quote “In every activity inside Rumah Lipat had the element of “folding” (lipat means “to fold”)”, such as Non-organic garbage craftswork.


OIS is a Program to build Sustainable Agricultural Network, based on Organic Agricultural System. This program is the answer of Agricultural Situation that forced farmer to adapt to the nature. By harmonizing with nature, farmer communities able to do sustainable agricultural system.
Enacted by PT PLN NP UP Paiton, this Program consist of 3 main activities, which is:
1. Fertilizer Production
2. Training Center Trikaryajadi
3. Wide Area Agricultural


Hijau Daun Mangrove Ecotourism is an integration program of mangrove, seaturtle and coral Conservation, mangrove eco-edu-tourism, advanced garbage management system, and degraded agricultural area functional shift into salt farm.

These conservation which held by Pokmaswas Hijau Daun and PT PLN NP UP Gresik opened an opportunity to build Hijau Daun Mangrove Ecotourism, which beside being a tourism destination, could also be an Education Center of Mangrove conservation, solely at Bawean Island.


Water Hyacinth Craft is BPWC CSR Program which encourage local communities to utilize Water Hyacith as a material to build high artistic value handicraft. This Local Empowerement Program Implementation is based on “UMKM Kerajinan Eceng Gondok” (Water Hyacinth Crafts MSMEs) by using Craftsmen Group. Empowerement is done by giving sewing tools and Water Hyacinth as materials to form various craftwork such as handbag, wallet, hat, sandals and other stuff. Assistance in repairing and market networking also done to ensure the product survivability in the market.


CSR UP Brantas helps on waste water management from batik cloth coloring by giving waste water treatment installation. Besides that, UP Brantas also repair facilities and build infrastructure such as workshop placess, to support operational activities. Batik Sengguruh now proudly state that their Batik motive copyright has been registered.


Coral transplantation program and hollow cube were 2 sub program from Coral Conservation Program and Fish Houses, that initiated by UBJOM Paiton 9.This program involve local fisher communities “PUTERA PESISIR BINOR” and “BINOR UNDERWATER COMMUNITY” as an allied parties and benefit receiver.