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The development and implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a form of the company’s commitment to increasing business success and accountability in the long term which is expected to increase company value in the form of improving performance and creating a good corporate image. An assessment of the implementation of GCG at PT PLN Nusantara Power in 2022 was carried out to obtain an overview of the conditions for implementing GCG in relation to applicable regulations and best practices for implementing GCG, so that areas that require improvement can be identified.

In order to avoid confusion in the use of reports and implementation of the recommendations submitted, it is necessary to explain that this GCG implementation assessment is not intended to compare the achievements of implementing GCG practices between company organs, namely the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners, or between the two and the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). /Shareholders.

Each company organ is measured using its own criteria in accordance with the best or ideal structure and processes as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of State for BUMN Number PER/01/MBU/2011 dated 1 August 2011 and the Decree of the Secretary of the Ministry of BUMN Number SK-16/S. MBU/2012 dated June 6 2012 concerning Indicators / Parameters for Assessment and Evaluation of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises.

Based on the assessment of the implementation of good corporate governance practices that we have carried out, it can be concluded that the conditions for implementing GCG at PT PLN Nusantara Power achieved the “Very Good” category with a score of 95.54. The score achieved for each aspect of the detailed assessment is as follows: