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Logo PLN Nusantara Power

Our Contacts

Jl. Ketintang Baru No. 11 Surabaya

+62 31 8283180

Hemat Energi dan Ramah Lingkungan

Green Energy Lifestyle

Environmentally friendly energy, and reliability-guaranteed of electricity supply.

Cost-Friendly Electricity

Reduce your energy bill by converting energy from the sun into electricity.

Reliability Guarantee

Can be bundled with premium services, customers will get guaranteed reliability of PLN electricity supply (free of blackouts).

Legality Guarantee

Provided by PLN as a BUMN and PJB Group as an experienced and sustainable company.

Training Expertise

We are the expertise of providing training, troubleshoot and field visits (based on request).

Get environmentally friendly energy from the sun into multipurpose electricity.

Variety Solar PV Installation

Ground Mounted

Roof Top (Genteng)

Floating Solar

Roof Top (Beton)

Building Integrated Photovoltaic

Solar Parking Shade

Case Studies

For Business Inquiry please contact
