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Jl. Ketintang Baru No. 11 Surabaya

+62 31 8283180

Intelligence Center of Optimization
Reliability and Efficiency

One of the main targets in operating a power generator is to operate reliably with the installed power without interruption of damage. However, this often does not happen due to early undetected faults, improper fault solutions, low effectiveness of maintenance, and inadequate technical capabilities of human resources.

The use of fuel is also important in generating power. Fuel as one of the main structures in the cost of providing electricity is very dependent on the efficiency of the generator. A good operating pattern will result in a good financial performance.

iCORE is an Advanced Analytics system that uses IoT, Machine Learning, Big Data (Operation Data, Maintenance, Engineering) to become an Artificial Intelligence system to improve real-time plant performance to manifest a competitive generator.
PJB iCORE provides analysis services, both manual and advanced according to the type of generator and the technology applied at the plant.


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Advanced Analytic Services


Reliability Optimization

iCORE will provide generator reliability optimization services with the latest technology based on machine learning. This service includes Anomaly Detection, Prognostic Asset Health, Reliability Analysis, and Financial Analysis.

Efficiency Optimization

iCORE's Advanced Analytic Tools provide realtime efficiency optimization. For more optimal results, iCORE also provides Boiler Tuning services both manually and automatically, as well as Combustion Tuning to adjust the air and fuel ratio to increase boiler efficiency and reduce emissions.

Plant Assesment

iCORE provides Energy Management auditing services and Energy Management consultants according to ISO50001 as energy efficiency and management solutions to mid-sized commercial and industrial customers. The obtained outcomes are energy efficiency, growth in competitiveness and achievement of Proper in the field of energy efficiency for companies that implement them.

Case Studies

Integrated Reliability & Efficiency Optimization System (SOKET)

SOKET is a predictive analytic system that uses IoT, machine learning, big data (operating data, maintenance, engineering) to become an artificial intelligence system to improve generator performance (reliability / availability and efficiency).

Online plant monitoring through SOKET enables equipment to be monitored realtime 24 hours a day with two main products, namely the Reliability Optimization System (SOK) and the Efficiency Optimization System (SOE).

Illustration of SOKET

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